Double Jeopardy Leagues

Teams Qualify Weekly For The Ultimate Prize - A Trip To The APA World Pool Championships 

There are 3 Sessions per year which means you have 3 opportunities each year to qualify for VEGAS! 
American Poolplayers Association
Summer Session Begins In June
Fall Session Begins In September
Spring Session Begins In January
Teams compete weekly in our Double Jeopardy Divisions. At the end of the session, the highest finishing teams from the 8-Ball division and 9-ball division plus a playoff winner advance to the $75,000 World Qualifier.
Teams consist of 5 to 8 players. A solid team will have a combination of advanced, intermediate and beginner players. With the APA Equalizer Handicap System, everyone can play and anyone can win! Weekly play is $90 per week per team and 5 players will participate in each format in one evening. That makes league play only $8 per player per format per week! And to make things even better, you do not have to pay for your league tables - all of our host locations open the tables for you!
Double Jeopardy Divisions Are Offered Throughout The County On The Following Nights  
  • Sunday Evenings 5PM (Beach Cities)
  • Tuesday Evenings 7PM (Garden Grove, Anaheim, Orange)
Register A Team Today By Clicking HERE